*************************************************** WITLife is a periodic series written by professional Interpreter/Translator/Writer Stacy Smith (Kumamoto-ken, 2000-03). Recently she’s been watching Fujisankei’s newscast in Japanese and sharing some of the interesting tidbits and trends together with her own observations. アラ還 (arakan) describes Japanese around 60 years of age, and it comes from (アラウンド還暦 or around kanreki). 還
暦 (kanreki) refers to one's 60th birthday celebration. This buzzword is picking up on the previously popular アラフォー (ara fo-), coming from the phrase アラウンド40 (Around 40) which was also the title of a 2008 drama regarding this time of life. This phraseology can also be applied to other decades as well. For example, instead of disclosing my age I can simply reply that I am アラサー (ara sa- or around 30).
As you might expect, like baby boomers here in the States arakan are not taking aging lying down. A segment in this morning's news featured a 64-year old grandmother of 3 who is also a model on the side. Evidently, the modeling business has become a bit of a boom for those 60 and above. Many of those interviewed expressed the desire to "be beautiful/stay pretty" and modeling enables them to do this. There are special modeling agencies targeting this older clientele, and there is an involved application that must be accepted before auditioning.
This grandmother keeps herself in shape for modeling by taking care of her grandchildren. She is not just a passive caretaker, carrying out a variety of roles such as changing diapers, car pick-up and drop-off and playing in the park. One shot showed her on the pull-up bar next to her grandson! When asked about her exercise regimen, she replied with a smile, "I don't just watch them, this is my exercise!"
Other arakan are becoming involved with more organized forms of exercise. Recently, boxing and kickboxing classes for seniors have been in vogue as many people consider beauty to be strength. According to one older participant, "If I come to class regularly, I stop saying 「よいしょ」 (yoisho) as much." I don't know about you, but one of my favorite things about Japanese obaasan is their yoisho! However, it is interesting to see them taking such an interest in their physical fitness when the typical portrayal of obaasan exercise is running for discounted items in the supermarket.
Another market that is looking to capture these arakan consumers is cosmetics, as this age group comprises 105 billion yen or 1/3 of their sales. Chicca is one company that provides makeup items enabling them to preserve their youth, offering 46 products of 132 different types at department stores such as Takashimaya.
It seems that this arakan phenomenon is changing not only the women themselves, but their husbands as well. The grandmother's 71-year old husband said that seeing her work so hard at herself has inspired him to work hard at his job. He also shared that he was chotto ureshii regarding his wife's youthful appearance which people had begun commenting on. Perhaps this will add sparks to arakan marriages as well!
In unemployment news, all over Japan job searching bus tours are being launched by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). For the cheap price of 4500 yen (not including meals), job seekers can join this 3-day, 2-night tour that takes them to places such as manufacturing facilities and other companies in various industries. A recent tour in Chiba had the group being addressed by the governor, who encouraged them to hang in there during these tough times and to take pride in whatever work they do. A 47-year old man who was fired from his publishing position last year participated in a recent tour and said that it gave him a brighter outlook. In celebrity news, warai conbi Downtown's 45-year old Hitoshi Matsumoto (who directed, produced and starred in the 2007 movie ‘‘Dainipponjin’’ which was released here last week) announced his shotgun marriage to former weathercaster Rin Ihara (26). Their baby is due at the end of the year.